Air filters are imperative for removing dirt and other contaminants from breathing air in order to maintain indoor air quality while supplying clean air to heating and cooling coils for responsible for comfortable indoor air temperatures. These filters are generally constructed by the manufacturer for minimal material costs necessary to ensure an acceptable level of pressure drop across the filter bank. High pressure drops require increased energy usage by the end user in order to move the same volume of air through the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
Single filters are available on an individual basis or can be combined in a multi-element structure array (MESA). The MESA is designed to improve air filtration efficiency by two orders of magnitude with minimal incremental capital cost, and individual filters can be easily inserted into fabricated grooves of the MESA unit. Intra-Micron has a thorough understanding of MESA design and optimization allowing MESA structures to be customized for specific air filtration needs.